

We are pleased to inform you about the upcoming Republican scientific and Practical conference on the topic: "Modern achievements of applied science in orthopedics and traumatology: from biomechanical research to clinical trials" (hereinafter – the Conference) and offer your company information about the unique sponsorship opportunities of this important international event in the field of healthcare.

The conference will be held in Almaty, the financial center and the largest city of Kazakhstan, on November 7-8, 2024, according to the plan of scientific and practical activities of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2024. Conference venue: NAO "Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev" at 22 Satpayev str., Almaty.

During the Conference, scientists from Turkey, the USA, Japan, China, Poland, Russia, and South Korea will discuss topical issues of modern science and practice on introducing innovations into mass production, developing scientific and technological parks, and cooperation between international scientific organizations to strengthen interaction between scientists, researchers and manufacturers of medical devices in the field of orthopedics and traumatology.

The Conference will include plenary sessions, educational workshops, satellite symposiums, poster presentations, an exhibition of medicines, equipment and medical products.

Given your company's significant interest in medicine and modern science, we would like you to be informed about the upcoming Conference, and we believe that you may be interested in the available sponsorship opportunities and a unique platform for communicating with representatives of dynamically developing regional and international organizations. Attached to this letter is detailed information on how your company can participate as an official sponsor of the Conference.

If you are interested, for further discussion of the terms of your participation as an official sponsor of the Conference, please contact us at the following contacts:

Rakhimzhanova Shagala Khasenovna phone: 8 705 204 0992;

Kalzhanova Daryn Salamatovna, tel.: 8 777 870 1420, e-mail address: iscto.edu@gmail.com

Appendix: 1) Sponsorship Agreement;

2) Sponsorship package;

3) The Conference Program.

With respect,

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Haberal, MD, FACS(Hon), FICS (HON), FASA (Hon),

FIMSA (Hon), Hon FRCS (Glasg)

Founder President of Başkent University


This Sponsorship Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") was concluded between

(hereinafter referred to as the "Organizer"), LLP (hereinafter referred to as the "Supplier") and LLP "" (hereinafter referred to as the "Sponsor") on July 2024 (the "Effective Date").


TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that the Organizer and the Supplier of the event jointly conduct

Republican scientific and practical conference on the topic: "Modern achievements of applied science in orthopedics and traumatology: from biomechanical research to clinical trials" (hereinafter referred to as the "Conference"), which will be held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, on November 7-8, 2024; and

WHEREAS the Sponsor wishes to provide financial support to the Conference in exchange for providing certain promotional and marketing benefits related to the event;

PROCEEDING FROM the ABOVE, taking into account the mutual obligations set forth in this agreement, and other legally valid and appropriate counter satisfaction, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby confirmed, the Parties have agreed as follows:


1.1 Information about the sponsor

[Specify the legal name of the sponsor, address, phone number, e-mail and main contact person]

1.2 Sponsorship Package:

Detailed information about sponsorship packages is provided in Appendix B attached to this Agreement.

Please select the appropriate level of sponsorship by putting an "X" in the appropriate field:


15,000 USD

7 200 000 KZT



10,000 USD

4 800 000 KZT



5,000 USD

2 400 000 KZT


Sponsorship fee:

The Sponsor pays the Sponsor fee to the Organizer and the Service Provider, corresponding to the selected level of sponsorship, as indicated in Appendix B


The Sponsor, the Organizer and the Supplier must adhere to the conditions set out in Appendix A attached to this Agreement.


The Parties have concluded this Sponsorship Agreement as of the Effective Date.

Organization  ТОО «Международный научный центр

травматологии и ортопедии» Адрес: Казахстан, Белбулак, улица Байқоңыр, дом 2А БИН (ИИН): 211140036179

Банк: АО "Kaspi Bank" КБе: 17


Номер счёта: KZ36722S000023396758

д.м.н., профессор Е.Т. Жунусов

Генеральный директор Подпись



Наименование Поставщика


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