Title of the work

Surname and initials of the author(s)

Position, full name of place of work, city and email address of the author(s)

Abstracts are accepted only in electronic form. Abstracts are accepted only in electronic form. Abstracts can be submitted in Kazakh,Russian and/or English languages. The thesis must be typed on an A4 sheet with single line spacing, standard margins (left - 3 cm, right - 1 cm, top and bottom - 2 cm). The text must be printed in the Word editor of any version in Arial font, 12th size, without hyphens. Formatting the title of the thesis: the first line is the title of the work in bold, no more than three lines without abbreviations; second line – surname(s) and initials of the author(s); third line – position, full name of place of work, city, country, and email address of the author(s). Alignment of the first three lines. Next, after a space, is the text of the thesis. Aligning the text of thesis according to width. The papers that do not meet the requirements will be returned for correction. Abstracts shorter than 1 page will not be considered. The text of the thesis should clearly formulate the problem under consideration, the approach used to solve it and also state the main results obtained. The structure of the thesis should include: an introduction describing the purpose of the study, materials and methods, results with discussion, conclusions, and keywords. When selecting keywords, authors should use the Medical Subject Headings of Index Medicus. It is allowed to include no more than 1 table or figure in the thesis. The authors are responsible forthe scientific content and materials of the presentation. Report topics and abstracts will be accepted until September 1, 2024.