
Visionary: 15,000 US dollars (7,200,000 tenge) ("Visionary")

• Ten (10) guests (including speakers) with VIP access to the hall and seats in the front rows

• The opportunity to speak in two sessions

• Presentation at the welcoming reception and during the plenary session of the Conference

• VIP seats at the gala dinners within the framework of the Conference

• Exclusive advertising sign in the main Conference hall

• Advertising signs in the lobby

• Logo on the official website of the Conference indicating the status

• Logo in the Conference materials indicating the status

• Logo and mentioning in the reporting materials on the results of the Conference

• The possibility of distributing promotional materials at the Conference registration desk

• Stand placement

• Social media posts on the Conference's Facebook and Twitter accounts

• Targeted assistance from Conference staff in organizing relevant meetings and establishing contacts

• Access to the Network round table with leading regional leaders – participation in a closed meeting organized directly at the Conference site, with the participation of leading professionals in the sector and/or countries of interest to the sponsor. To organize a meeting, you need to contact the organizers of the Conference.

• Five (5) free event passes